A bit about Ork Numerals
Orks have glyphs from 0-6, and another one simply termed lots, and in later editions 6 went in favour of "Lotz". This makes sense. If Orks wish to be accurate, they use multiples of the other numerals, forming tens by grouping pairs of 5s together, and the other runes to make specific endings. So now you know! Obviously some Orks don't bother counting past 5.
Madboyz are somewhat debated, but essentially either you believe all Madboy behaviour is triggered as a reaction to tech (which I personally don't buy), or that it is one of many possible triggers for Madboyz, which have something to do with an Ork's genes. Madboyz are essentially unpredictable, and almost crippled by their manias, which give them very eccentric behaviour. Most Orks view Madboyz as a sign of good fortune and they are allowed to do their own thing, which suits them. Madboyz do have a the potential to crop of a massive rage that gives them super-orkoid strength.
There are 9 Ork Manias:
Deliriaks are Madboyz that appear to be constantly and deliriously happy. Their enthusiasm and glee hardly ever ceases.
Frantiks are Madboys that are in a constant state of uncontrollable excitement. They react to delight or excitement in other Orkoids without knowing what it is they are laughing about, and will still be hopping about in glee long after the bemused onlookers have wandered off.
Maniks are Madboyz that suffer from irrational obsessions. Whatever unfortunate thing is the object of the Ork’s obsession, it will completely absorb the Manik’s mind until something else attracts their attention.
Melankoliks are Madboyz that suffer from deep melancholia, in which they long for battles of the past and for the company of comrades who fell in those ancient conflicts. Melankoliks find solace and inspiration in the old battle legends, and will often sit together around campfires, recalling past glories. They are prone to weeping inexplicably, or unexpectedly inspired to enthusiasm or rage.
Moroniks are Madboyz that appear to be in a permanent state of bewilderment. They are typically recognisable by their vacant expression, wide staring eyes, and constantly drooling mouths. Moroniks can only obey very simple instructions, which they are prone to forgetting anyway, usually immediately after they were given them.
Paranoids are Madboyz that are gripped with a constant impression that something or someone is out to get them. This usually results in the Paranoids having excessive animosity towards other alien races, clans, castes, or creatures. They tend to form irrational obsessions with anything that concerns them, typically instilling them with hatred, fear or uncertainty.
Phobiaks are Madboyz that exhibit irrational terror of something that could well be quite harmless. These fears tend to vary from abject terror of a small squig, to a state of mild concern in the presence of a Weirdboy.
Skitzos are Madboyz that cannot distinguish reality from illusions. Skitzos live in their own worlds of delusion and fantasy, generally oblivious to most things that go on, as their adjustment to the real world shifts and warps. One moment, they might be standing around appearing to be quite nonchalant; then their mood suddenly changes to one of extreme hyperactivity for no perceivable reason.
Savantz are intoverted and twitchy individuals with erratic, but amazing powers of memory, recall and calculation. They are the least functioning of Madboyz, but are extremely popular with Meks, who tend to be the only ones to understand their incoherent ramblings.
Madboyz tend to fight in Mobs of mixed manias, which is the way they prefer to fight, but they also sometimes band together in groups of the same mania. They're unorthodox, but this makes them special to most Orks, and they are widely believed to be extremely lucky, especially when in the presence of a Weirdboy, where they often have a calming affect on their abilities. If an Ork does mock a Madboy, the bewildered Ork is often confronted with some with some of the Madboy's equally mad and much larger mates.
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