Monday, January 23, 2012

Part 2

Kan: Dreadnaught (Although now Orks obviously have the word Deffdread, but it is most likely derived from the Imperial word dreadnaught, with added deff, because being Orky itz ded killy. Obviously Orks created a nickname for Dreadnoughts based on first seeing them, before making their own).

Kanon: Big gun, artillery, cannon.

Kart: Vehicle

Kop: Head, helmet, hill, catch, see.

Kroozer: Ship, boat.

Krump: Noise, amplify (recent slang, especially on the forum now has it as "beat" or "defeat").

Lug: Hear, listen, earring, advisor, messenger.

Lurk: Danger, beware.

Manik: Insane (added trivia here. From Rogue Trader, there are 9 types of Madboyz, one of which are called Maniks (who really are that mental) the others being Deliriaks, Frantiks, Melankoliks, Moroniks, Paranoids, Phobiaks, Skitzos and Savantz. I'll put some description in of them below after the Root Words).

Mek: Clever, technology, mechanical.

Miff: Mistake, wrong position, Tinboy.

Mob: Tactical unit, formation. (In Orkman's terms, a bunch a' boyz, ya stoopid skumbo!)

Mor: Wild, feral, ancient.

Naa: No, negative prefix, not.

Naff: Inadequate, weedy, useless.

Nar: Family, unit, command, crew.

Naz: Moon, white, shine, light, wealth.

Nob: Nobility, authority, high rank.

Nosh: Feast, pickings, plunder.

Nurd: Unlucky.

Og: Owned by, property of, belonging to.

Ooman: Human (now even in Black Library stuff has become 'Umie, although Ooman is still sometimes used).

Ordz: Many, loads.

Orky: Ork, Ork Civilisation, good, green.

Pansee: Eldar

Razza: Fun fair.

Ripoff: Buy, sell, merchant, auction. (Grots are the most common traders and merchants, so the derivation of this one is pretty self-evident)

Rokk: Goff Rock. (Space Hulks are also sometimes called Rokks)

Rukk: Charge, attack.

Runt: Small, Snotling, Gretchin.

Shak: Household, building, live, settlement, house.

Shokka: Shokk attack gun.

Shuv: Build, construct, create.

Skab: Traitor, unreliable, weak.

Skar: Wound, trench, crater, cutting weapon.

Skraga: Skarboy, veteran.

Skull: End of battle, dead.

Skrap: Fortune, payment, tithe, offering.

Skum: The Enemy (most commonly combined with Grod to make Skumgrod, which means a good or favoured enemy).

Slag: Settlement, stronghold, planet.

Slug: Ammo, bullet, shell.

Smak: Stop, no further.

Snaga: Sting, wild beast, snake, stab. (Snaga also seems to be used as a bigging up nickname, similar to "Big Man", suggesting physical prowess or success)

Snik: Cut, kill, slay, execute, assassinate.

Snot: Snotling, mischief, numerous, little.

Spikee: Horn. (often associated with Chaos and Goff Warlords. Spikee Ladz is often a term for Chaos Marines).

Squig: Squig, food, eat, supplies, useful things.

Stash: Hide, conceal, secret.

Stomp: Boot, Stormboy, drill, march.

Stud: Bionik bit, cybernetics.

Stunti: Squat.

Now to Part 3...

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