Monday, January 23, 2012


Squigs and Other Flora and Fauna
There are tonnes of Squigs. They fill a lot of useful societal roles. Squigs is the shortened epithet of the name "Squiggly Beasts" which is a rather more generous term than most Ork players realise. There are hundreds of different variants of Squigs. The only unifying definition is that they are where Orks are. Orks may infact inflict a strange affect upon the local environment, creating new strains of creatures, or it might just be the gestalt manipulating spores to suit Ork societal needs. One things is for sure, Squigs and Ork stuff is cool.

Bag Squigs
These are Squigs that are killed and dried to use as bags. As most Squigs stomachs are very accommodating (well they would be for mouths with legs wouldn't they) they can be stretched and dyed into fetching bags to carry various items. Squigs also have leathery skin, meaning they make lots of useful clothing, such as boots, and even socks. Essentially the Ork just sticks his foot into it.

Buzzer Squigs
Buzzer Squigs are small flying Squigs. Kind of like Bees with large mouths covered in gnashing teeth. They live generally in fungus groves around the drops. When they attack, they attack in massive swarms. Their most common use is to be collected into jars by Gretchin, and used as ammunition for Squig Catapults, which throw the jars, which then break, setting loose hundreds of very angry buzzers.

Buzzing Squigs
Buzzing Squigs may or may not be the same as Buzzer squigs, although these are rather like Japanese Hornets in appearance. They eat everything that isn't Ork flesh, and use a massive pronged needle-like tail to bore into its prey, and devour their insides, before emerging to do it again, or select another victim. They are also used as a weapon.

Eatin' Squigs
Most Squigs are edible but some taste better than others. A Gretchin's main task is to catch and cook Squigs (which they are rather good at). Orks prefer them cooked, but will eat them raw if they are really hungry and there are no Grots around.

Juicy Squigs
The best eatin' squigs live deep in the drops, and they are not only rare, but extremely difficult to catch. They tend to be extremely big and are tastier the older they are. They are considered a real gourmet delicacy, and it tends only to be Nobz who get to eat them, due to being in a social standing that means they will enjoy the finer aspects of Orky Kultur.

Face Eater Squigs
Also known as "Gnashers", they are mostly kept for the extremely popular Squig-Eating contests. These Squigs are particularly vicious, lurking around the drops, waiting for a shadow (such as an Ork's bottom) to descend over their position, where they lurch with their massive mouth and pointed teeth, and bite very ferociously. Gnashers are mostly tail and mouth, with the tail being very strong, able to grip the side of the drops, or an Ork's arm during an Eatin' contest. If you see an Ork in a brewhouse fall backwards, twitching onto the ground below, he probably has a Face Eating Squig attached to his face.

Ever seen critters? Give them a rat's tail, and you have a flesheater. Flesheaters have large gaping mouths, and feed on flesh, surprisingly. They are generally kept because they shed teeth on a regular basis, which Gretchin are sent to collect. Naturally Gretchin aren't particularly fond of this duty. Flesheaters are often stolen by other Orks as part of a Teef-making scheme.

Gob Squigs
Gob Squigs are gooey blob-like Squigs that Orks put into their mouths and forget about them, as they swim around in their mouths, eating juicy bits of food caught in their teeth. A variant of this Squig is the Chewing Squig, which isn't as fortunate.

Growler Squigs
Growler Squigs are small, about the size of dogs, and extremely vicious. Orks often keep them as pets, especially the more eccentric ones (such as Oddboyz), and they are doted upon by their owners, and fed scraps by Gretchin servants. Growlers typically spend their days following their master, providing amusement by snacking at other Ork's ankles, and get exercise by chasing Snotlings.

Hairy Squigs
Orks don't have hair, but they make up for this by utilizing this fascinating Squig. The Squig is mostly a very small, clamp-like mouth and an awful lot of hair, all in dazzling colours, which can also be dyed by Gretchin servants. Orks simply place it to the part of their body (usually the head) and the parasitic Squig latches onto it, surviving on a minute amount of the Orkoid's blood. If an Ork wants more hair, he simply gets more of them.

Herd Squigs/Squighounds
Squighounds are trained by runtherds to manage their runts, be they Gretchin or Snotlings. They are also typically excellent tracking beasts, which makes them very useful for finding hiding Gretchin. Runtherds control them with a mixture of calls, whistles, and bouts of violence. Squighounds are very loyal, but also very ferocious, but do their duties brilliantly if trained well.

Mendin'/Medical Squigs
There are lots of Squigs that are useful to the Dok. In particular Hairy Squigs are used to drink up blood out of a wound, and also provide the stitching. The Syringe Squig has a long syringe-like snout which injects a very useful anaesthetic, and there are also Swab Squigs, a type of Hairy Squig that has hair with a nice bun-like texture that is ideal for soaking up blood and cleaning wounds. There are lots of Squigs which are killed and strained and used as medicine. Squigs are very useful like that.

Mushlings and Snotrooms
Snotlings are rather greedy little things and tend to gorge themselves upon fungus. However if they eat too much of it, they risk becoming fungus themselves. The Ork race has a large affinity with fungus, and Snotlings who eat too much of it will become lazy and feckless, and eventually vegetate by the side of the drops, turning into a Mushling or Snotroom: a mushroom with a fixed expression of a smiling face. Being rather tough and large they are popular as seating for the communal drop. What a nice vocation, makes banking look riveting doesn't it?

Oily Squigs
The body of an Oily Squig protrudes a rather large amount of oily black secretion from its slug-like body, which is particularly useful as machine Oil. It has a funnelled snout ideal for on the spot-fixing, although oil is generally prepared beforehand, ideally by using a pressing machine, although the old-fashioned way is to put them in a barrel and have Gretchin jump up and down on them until they burst. This unfortunately waists a lot of oil, but watching the oiled up gretchin struggle is so funny it is still a popular practice.

Paint Squigs
Don't be fooled. Those citadel paints you use? Look at them more closely... Yes, indeed, there is a sluglike Squig that excretes powerful dyes that are used as warpaints. Many Paint Squigs even have tufts of hair on their snout, meaning they can be used as a crude, but self-refilling brush.

Parasite-Hunting Squigs
Ugly buggers. They are small 6-legged Squigs with long snapping tongues that hunt parasites. Orks often chuck a handful into their clothing, and they eat any lice, ticks and leeches that the Orks have acquired through their habits. Then they typically get tipped out by the Ork, and chucked in the mouth for a quick chomp. Nice.

Puffballs are odd fungus balls that extrude poisonous spores. Orkoids have a sufficient immunity to them that they only choke and hinder them (but its general Gretchin that are sent to farm them), but they are deadly to other races, and used often as projectiles on catapults, for filling spore bombs, or for medical uses.

Rutted Gob-Buster
A fungus gob-stopper essentially. They have a tangy taste, and the older ones are so strong that Orks have to spit them out. Orks adore them however. Makari made the most important partnership in the 40k pantheon thanks to a single, used Rutted Gob-Buster.

Speckled Bloodshade Fungus
The Speckled Bloodshade is a fungus with red or purple veins running through it. It has numerous medical uses (it seems to be described as a good coagulant from what I can tell) and Orks also love to eat them.

Spiky Squigs
It could be a minion from a 2nd 90s platformer. The Spiny Squig has sharp spines that it can shoot at any threatening creature. These spines inflict a poisonous sting on anything they hit. They are often used as a weapon, being contained in cages, and fired out with a spring mechanism. They are very popular with freebootas (so now you know where they come from!) another of the Gretchin's least favourite fetching duties.

By Gork yes, musical Squigs. It has various tubes that emanate from its body, and it can have body blown into it through its long nostrils. The music it produces, the RT books say: produces a sound a thousand times more cacophonous than Bagpipes. Ouch. Obviously this makes them popular with Orks, who love marching into war to loud noises.

Vampire Squig
This squig has batlike wings and vicious fangs. These bloodsuckers are very popular with Doks for sucking up bad blood and pus from wounds. The Vampire Squigs don't seem to mind this, so long as there is a regular supply. When business is low, Doks sell out the prospect of regular "bleedings" to otherwise healthy Orks to keep their pets alive."

Hello are you still there? Yeah…sorry about that…it's Dim though….

Part 6 (zzzzzz)

A bit about Ork Numerals

Orks have glyphs from 0-6, and another one simply termed lots, and in later editions 6 went in favour of "Lotz". This makes sense. If Orks wish to be accurate, they use multiples of the other numerals, forming tens by grouping pairs of 5s together, and the other runes to make specific endings. So now you know! Obviously some Orks don't bother counting past 5.

Madboyz are somewhat debated, but essentially either you believe all Madboy behaviour is triggered as a reaction to tech (which I personally don't buy), or that it is one of many possible triggers for Madboyz, which have something to do with an Ork's genes. Madboyz are essentially unpredictable, and almost crippled by their manias, which give them very eccentric behaviour. Most Orks view Madboyz as a sign of good fortune and they are allowed to do their own thing, which suits them. Madboyz do have a the potential to crop of a massive rage that gives them super-orkoid strength.

There are 9 Ork Manias:

Deliriaks are Madboyz that appear to be constantly and deliriously happy. Their enthusiasm and glee hardly ever ceases.

Frantiks are Madboys that are in a constant state of uncontrollable excitement. They react to delight or excitement in other Orkoids without knowing what it is they are laughing about, and will still be hopping about in glee long after the bemused onlookers have wandered off.

Maniks are Madboyz that suffer from irrational obsessions. Whatever unfortunate thing is the object of the Ork’s obsession, it will completely absorb the Manik’s mind until something else attracts their attention.

Melankoliks are Madboyz that suffer from deep melancholia, in which they long for battles of the past and for the company of comrades who fell in those ancient conflicts. Melankoliks find solace and inspiration in the old battle legends, and will often sit together around campfires, recalling past glories. They are prone to weeping inexplicably, or unexpectedly inspired to enthusiasm or rage.

Moroniks are Madboyz that appear to be in a permanent state of bewilderment. They are typically recognisable by their vacant expression, wide staring eyes, and constantly drooling mouths. Moroniks can only obey very simple instructions, which they are prone to forgetting anyway, usually immediately after they were given them.

Paranoids are Madboyz that are gripped with a constant impression that something or someone is out to get them. This usually results in the Paranoids having excessive animosity towards other alien races, clans, castes, or creatures. They tend to form irrational obsessions with anything that concerns them, typically instilling them with hatred, fear or uncertainty.

Phobiaks are Madboyz that exhibit irrational terror of something that could well be quite harmless. These fears tend to vary from abject terror of a small squig, to a state of mild concern in the presence of a Weirdboy.

Skitzos are Madboyz that cannot distinguish reality from illusions. Skitzos live in their own worlds of delusion and fantasy, generally oblivious to most things that go on, as their adjustment to the real world shifts and warps. One moment, they might be standing around appearing to be quite nonchalant; then their mood suddenly changes to one of extreme hyperactivity for no perceivable reason.

Savantz are intoverted and twitchy individuals with erratic, but amazing powers of memory, recall and calculation. They are the least functioning of Madboyz, but are extremely popular with Meks, who tend to be the only ones to understand their incoherent ramblings.

Madboyz tend to fight in Mobs of mixed manias, which is the way they prefer to fight, but they also sometimes band together in groups of the same mania. They're unorthodox, but this makes them special to most Orks, and they are widely believed to be extremely lucky, especially when in the presence of a Weirdboy, where they often have a calming affect on their abilities. If an Ork does mock a Madboy, the bewildered Ork is often confronted with some with some of the Madboy's equally mad and much larger mates.

Part 5 (are you getting bored now?)

Other Useful Ork Terms and Names

Troop Types

Bossclan: A Dominant Clan in an army. In Ghaz' Waaagh for instance, Goffs are the Bossclan.
Warboss: Commander of an army or tribe.
Warlord: Commander of an large army or tribe, often even groups of armies and tribes.
Nob: An elite caste of Ork society, essentially Ork nobility.
Mob: A unit.
Bigmob: A large unit.
Oddboyz: Collective name for Meks, Painboyz, Weirdboyz and Runtherds.
Minders: Now mostly defunct, but used to be large Orks tasked with "looking after" Weirdboys to hold them when they used their powers, to protect them, and to make sure they didn't escape.
Skarboyz: Veteran Ork warriors. They are usually a fair bit bigger than most normal Orks and have lots of Skars. They used to be a unit, but have since just become a term for experienced boyz. [On the forum, our more senior and long-serving members are typically dubbed Skarboyz, whereas the Bosses are Nobz, and Nightserpent is Da Boss]

Odd Words and Stuff

Bosspole: A Warboss or Nob standard, usually depicting their family heraldry, or trophies of war to show their social status, and a general "don't mess wif me" symbol. Sometimes also a club.
Bugeyez: Generally now shortened to simply "Bugz" Orks sometimes use this as a general term for pretty much all Alien species that aren't Squats, or humanoid.
Dodgerz or Dodgas: Gretchin "entrepreneurs". Gretchin generally considered successful by other Gretchin, and deemed a menace by most Orks.
Drop: A Cesspit, where Orkoid droppings are placed. Home to many things, such as Snotlings and many types of Squig - a hazard for Orks in compromising situations, and a playground for Snotlings. (Get me started on this subject, and you'll be wishing you were reading the fluff in the current Grey Knights codex so badly).
Dump: An Ork's hovel or home. Home is where the fart is.
Grub: Food
Kultur: Orky Kulture, things Orks deem proppa and civilised.
Kustom: since Rogue Trader, defined as a "Orky Way of making things"
Nark: To annoy or irritate. Not often used, but a nice word.
Proppa: Things that are good, socially approved or acceptable to an Ork. Orks tend to call something Proppa when it pleases them. The opposite is typically "Weedy", which are things that go against the ideals of Orks.
Rokk: Ork music, about as subtle as a Deffdread, as blunt as the back end of a choppa, and louda than a gargant falling onto a munitions factory. Been to a Motorhead Concert? It's a bit like that.
Savantz: a type of Madboy, but sometimes simply a term for Clever Orks or Gretchin (by Ork standards)
Snazzy: Well-dressed, decorated or decked out.
Stikkbommz: Stick Grenades, normal bombs and other grenades are usually just bomms. Orks have a habit of using stikkbomms as clubs just as often as they throw them.
Skumbos: a lesser used Ork insult, generally a term used by Nobs for common Orks.

Part 4

Teef: Wealth, tribute. (Ork money is literally their teeth. Orks from the Bad Moon clan grow teeth much more quickly, meaning that generally, they tend to be richer).

Thug: Guard, minder, henchman.

Tin: Robot, Tinboy.

Trakta: Magnet, tractor beam.

Tuf: Old, ancient.

Ug: By, with, whom, to, of.

Ulk: Spaceship.

Unki: Big Boy, big, muscle. (this is my least favourite root word. Whoever came up with that one was phoning it in)

Urd: Swarm, lots of, herd.

Urty: Pain, medical attention, distress.

Uz: Sun, yellow, hot, thirst, dry, fire, daytime.

Villun: Freeboota, outlaw, mercenary.

Vrum: Bike.

Waa(agh): Warband, we are, tribe of, watch out, here we come.

Warp: Space.

Waz/Wazza: Speed, synonym for red, scared, ecstasy, Kult of Speed. 

Wizza: Fall, shell bomb.

Wort: Fungus.

Wurr: Weird, strange.

Z or Az: Plural ending.

Zag: Lighting, movement, strike.

Zod: Blue.

Zog: Go away, wander off, lost, no good.

Part 2

Kan: Dreadnaught (Although now Orks obviously have the word Deffdread, but it is most likely derived from the Imperial word dreadnaught, with added deff, because being Orky itz ded killy. Obviously Orks created a nickname for Dreadnoughts based on first seeing them, before making their own).

Kanon: Big gun, artillery, cannon.

Kart: Vehicle

Kop: Head, helmet, hill, catch, see.

Kroozer: Ship, boat.

Krump: Noise, amplify (recent slang, especially on the forum now has it as "beat" or "defeat").

Lug: Hear, listen, earring, advisor, messenger.

Lurk: Danger, beware.

Manik: Insane (added trivia here. From Rogue Trader, there are 9 types of Madboyz, one of which are called Maniks (who really are that mental) the others being Deliriaks, Frantiks, Melankoliks, Moroniks, Paranoids, Phobiaks, Skitzos and Savantz. I'll put some description in of them below after the Root Words).

Mek: Clever, technology, mechanical.

Miff: Mistake, wrong position, Tinboy.

Mob: Tactical unit, formation. (In Orkman's terms, a bunch a' boyz, ya stoopid skumbo!)

Mor: Wild, feral, ancient.

Naa: No, negative prefix, not.

Naff: Inadequate, weedy, useless.

Nar: Family, unit, command, crew.

Naz: Moon, white, shine, light, wealth.

Nob: Nobility, authority, high rank.

Nosh: Feast, pickings, plunder.

Nurd: Unlucky.

Og: Owned by, property of, belonging to.

Ooman: Human (now even in Black Library stuff has become 'Umie, although Ooman is still sometimes used).

Ordz: Many, loads.

Orky: Ork, Ork Civilisation, good, green.

Pansee: Eldar

Razza: Fun fair.

Ripoff: Buy, sell, merchant, auction. (Grots are the most common traders and merchants, so the derivation of this one is pretty self-evident)

Rokk: Goff Rock. (Space Hulks are also sometimes called Rokks)

Rukk: Charge, attack.

Runt: Small, Snotling, Gretchin.

Shak: Household, building, live, settlement, house.

Shokka: Shokk attack gun.

Shuv: Build, construct, create.

Skab: Traitor, unreliable, weak.

Skar: Wound, trench, crater, cutting weapon.

Skraga: Skarboy, veteran.

Skull: End of battle, dead.

Skrap: Fortune, payment, tithe, offering.

Skum: The Enemy (most commonly combined with Grod to make Skumgrod, which means a good or favoured enemy).

Slag: Settlement, stronghold, planet.

Slug: Ammo, bullet, shell.

Smak: Stop, no further.

Snaga: Sting, wild beast, snake, stab. (Snaga also seems to be used as a bigging up nickname, similar to "Big Man", suggesting physical prowess or success)

Snik: Cut, kill, slay, execute, assassinate.

Snot: Snotling, mischief, numerous, little.

Spikee: Horn. (often associated with Chaos and Goff Warlords. Spikee Ladz is often a term for Chaos Marines).

Squig: Squig, food, eat, supplies, useful things.

Stash: Hide, conceal, secret.

Stomp: Boot, Stormboy, drill, march.

Stud: Bionik bit, cybernetics.

Stunti: Squat.

Now to Part 3...

Dim_Reapa's definitions of orky terms…Part one!

Rather than linking I thought I would post it here:
"Ork Root Words

Bad'un: A renegade or outcast.

Bad: Evil, wicked, brave, strong, tough.

Bark: Voice, command, shout.

Beakee/Beakie: A Space Marine.

Blitz: Invasion, devastate.

Bog: Brown, droppings.

Bonk: Eadbutt, duel.

Boss: Leader, officer, head Ork, Warlord.

Bugeye/Bug: Alien, Genstealer, Tyranid.

Dakka: Attack, noisy weapon, shoot, fight.

Digga: Weedy, underground, weak, false (is slang for humans who reside on Angelis, the setting of Gorkamorka).

Dreg: Destroy, rip, cut, break up, take apart.

Duff: Vanquish, beat, chastise.

Dur: Fortress, stronghold, city, armour.

Duruk: Forcefield.

'Eadbanga: Weirdboy.

Fing: Mutant.

Flash: Badge, Banner.

Fung: Drop, food.

Garg: Huge, terrifying, noisy, powerful.

Gargant: Titan, large robot.

Git: Enemy, troublemaker, nuisance

Gob: Mouth, eat, drink, speaking out of turn.

Gof(f): Warlike, spiky, metal, black, dark, night.

Gog: God, power.

Gor: Blood, red, wound, slaughter.

Grim: Ruthless, fighting prowess, dangerous face.

Grod: Best friend, or favourite enemy.

Grot: Gretchin, servant, slave.

Grub: Cunning, find, dig, hide.

Grunta: Boar.

Gubbinz: Engine, workings.

Gul: Death, bones, skull, white.

Gutz: Flesh, workings, engine, innards, stamina.

Part 2 soon to follow...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

DA Waaagh sekret santa

I'd just like to say a big thankyou to the guys over at da waaagh for running their sekret santa. I sent out a looted speeder and received:

THIS! Scarpia's dakka-lith! Thankx again MDG!!


It's nothing to do with warhammer but..

I REALLY like this clock….!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Giant Orkoid

Unfortunately, orkoids only stop growing in size when they get cut down and die in battle

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Heavier-than-air flight!

The orkiods seem to have developed a method of heavier-than-air flight! Do you think it will work?

Why is this here?

Hi! My name is Arona. This is my second go at a blog and hopefully this time it will go better that the last time! To begin with, this blog will be a place for me to show off awesome stuff I find around the interweb. if you look around i have tried to do as much as possible to theme the blog around the shadowy background of the Inquisition. If you have any suggestions on how I could do more on this please comment.

Inquisitor out.