Thursday, April 5, 2012

1000pts BatRep

Just had a 1000pts friendly game as Space marines Vs. Chaos marines and thought i'd write a bit of a BatRep, no pics i'm afraid. we weren't really to bothered about getting the rules completely correct. We played no turn limit Annihilation.

I had Vulkan He'stan, 5 Scouts with snipers (and teleport homer-very important, as you will see),10 Tactical marines with melta gun and sarg. with fist and melta bombs, 10 thunder hammer/storm shield assault termies and a vindi.

He had a Daemon Prince, unit of khorne beserkers, two units of thousand sons,Ahriman and a land raider.

First blood was drawn on about turn three with my infiltrated scouts sniping a wound off his rapidly advancing daemon prince. Just before the daemon prince reached the scouts the termies deepstriked in front of them! (using the homer so they did not scatter) This combat became a massive whirlpool later drawing all the infantry on the board except my scouts. Meanwhile the vindi had moved into range of one of his thousand sons unit and a lucky scatter roll meant I obliterated all but two. The combat to the left of the board was grinding on and eventually He'stan (still standing after taking two lascannon shots to the face! What else would you expect from slamanders) and the tactical marines flanked the chaos and came in from almost behind them. The terminators were becoming the anvil and the tactical marines + Vulkan the hammer, classic Salamander style. This tactic worked out as He'stan quickly sliced up two beserkers with the sergeant claiming another. The other marines managed to kill another two between them and the unit was down to two. Then it was into epic tank battle as his land raid imobillised then wrecked my vindicator before it had the chance to fire on it. We ended with him with his land raider and a few thousand sons plus Ahriman. I still had He'stan, most of the tactical marines, the scouts and 8 of the terminators. All in all a very fun game on both sides, without worrying too much about following the rules to the letter. BURN HERITIC!

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